大阪の現代美術ギャラリー「FUKUGAN GALLERY」にて、「こどももあーと 作品体験とレクチャーワークショップ」を共催いたしました。

MSHR “Solar Helix”

4月15日(日) 12:00 から
FUKUGAN GALLERY(〒542-0086 大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋1丁目9-20 村田ビル4F)
<Slow Life Avant-garde / オレゴン編>
オレゴン在住のMSHRが来日、二人で接触し合うことでサイバー・エレクトロニックな音を生み出す参加型インスタレーション “Solar Helix” を展示。パフォーマンスも行います。


2018.4.15 ワークショップの様子

2018.4.15 ワークショップの様子


MSHR http://mshr.info

PNCA Feldman Gallery,Binary Lore,Portland,OR,Dec 2012

MSHRは2011年に米国オレゴン州ポートランドにてアート集団Oregon Painting Societyから派生した。2014年にはSonoscopiaやEyebeam、2016年にはPioneer WorksやSignal Cultureでレジデンシーを行なった。ポートランドのUpforが所属ギャラリーで、現在はブルックリンを拠点とする。

MSHR is the art collective of Birch Cooper and Brenna Murphy. Their work meshes digital sculpture, analog circuitry and ceremonial performance. The duo constructs and performs cybernetic compositions using analog synthesizers of their own design. For exhibitions, they install macro-arrangements of these sculptural instruments to create immersive light-sound-scapes. In their performances, they engage the systems through a series of unique interfaces. They also work with 3d modeling programs to design psychedelic virtual forms that are output as images and sculptures with the use of digital fabrication and as physically navigable virtual reality environments. MSHR’s sculptural, musical and electronic work inform each other deeply, creating the meta-form that is their collaborative practice.
MSHR emerged from the art collective Oregon Painting Society in 2011 in Portland, Oregon, USA. They were artists in residence at Sonoscopia, 2014; Eyebeam, 2014; Pioneer Works, 2016; Signal Culture, 2016. They are represented by Upfor, Portland. MSHR is currently based in Brooklyn.

Performance Description:
In this performance, MSHR engages with a series of generative systems via sculptural interfaces. The systems are composed of MSHR’s hand made analog synthesizers, in feedback with light, movement and sound. The duo inserts themselves into the system, shifting the feedback patterns to explore the hyperscapes of a transhumanist ceremony.

Photo credit: First photo -MSHR performing at MoMA PS1, photo by Walter Wlordarczyk, 2017.

Second photo- MSHR performing at The Glove, NYC, photo by Walter Wlordarczyk, 2017.